That’s why node.js introduced the cluster module
clustering allows node.js to create multiple instances (workers) of the same Node.js application to take advantage of multi-core processors and improve the application's performance and scalability.
Each node.js process will run on its own core, listening on the same port,
the master process load balances incoming requests between each spawned process,
and the cluster module
achieves that by implementing the round-robin
algorithm under the hood
let’s get into how clustering works in node.js in detail, First, we will create a CPU-intensive program without the cluster module, and later on, we will scale the same program with clustering.
First, let’s create a directory named node-clustering
$ mkdir node-clustering
Move into the directory :
$ cd node-clustering
Create an index.js
$ touch index.js
Then, initialize the project, which will also create a package.json
$ pnpm init
Lastly, let’s install express
$ pnpm add express
Creating a program without the cluster module
In this step, we will create a simple program containing two routes, /slow
will start blocking for-loop upon each user’s visit, and /fast
route which returns a simple response with no blocking logic.
const app = require('express')()
const port = 3000
app.get('/slow', (req, res) => {
for (let i=0; i<5_000_000_000; i++){}
res.send('Cpu-intensive task on this route')
app.get('/fast', (req, res) => {
res.send('no Cpu-intensive logic on this route')
app.listen(port, ()=> console.log(`listening on port ${port}`))
this may not seem like a real-world scenario, but to keep things simple we used long for-loop which simulates the same behavior as a cpu-intensive task.
In your terminal run the program :
$ node index.js
Then in your browser of choice, let’s hit both routes at the same time :
On route /slow
the response took approximately 8s
Even though the /fast
route has no blocking logic it took 6.60s
to load, and that’s because of node.js single-threaded architecture so whenever we have CPU-bound operations the event loop will block until the call stack is done executing the operation.
Clustering the same program with the cluster module:
To cluster our node.js program let’s create a new file cluster.js
, first import the required dependencies :
import cluster from "cluster";
import os from "os";
import { dirname } from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
Second let’s get the Path to index.js
where our server lives :
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
Third create a variable that holds the number of cores on the current machine :
const cpuLength = os.cpus().length;
let’s setup the cluster with the location of our server to run on each core :
exec: __dirname + "/index.js",
Create a for loop that start from 0 to less than cpuLength
which is the number available cores on the machine.
Inside the for let’s fork the program, which means that the cluster module will create a copy of the same program and run it on a diffrent core
for (let i = 0; i < cpuLength; i++) {
Lastly, if a worker is killed let’s start a new one :
cluster.on("exit", (worker, code, signal) => {
console.log(`worker ${} is down`);
The complete cluster.js
file should look like this :
import cluster from "cluster";
import os from "os";
import { dirname } from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
const cpuLength = os.cpus().length;
console.log(`the number of cups on this machine is ${cpuCount}`);
console.log(`the master pid=${}`);
exec: __dirname + "/index.js",
for (let i = 0; i < cpuLength; i++) {
cluster.on("exit", (worker, code, signal) => {
console.log(`worker ${} is down`);
now on your terminal run the following command :
node cluster.js
the number of cups on this machine is 4
the master pid=17292
listening on port 3000
listening on port 3000
listening on port 3000
listening on port 3000
After running the program the cluster module creates 4 instances of the same program on each core, My machine has only 4 cores, this may differ for your machine if you have more cores there will be more instances and the cluster module will load balance between them.
Now let’s run the same test as before in your browser of choice, Let’s hit both routes at the same time :
On route /slow
the response took approximately 11.19s
But the /fast
route now took only 16ms
and that was because the cluster module loads the request to other available node.js instances without waiting, That’s why clustering in node.js is really important when it comes to CPU-bound operations.